Huawei had earlier this week announced the launch of the refreshed MateBook X Pro 2021. The tech giants stated that this new device will be unveiled on April 24th, 2021. TheMateBook X Pro is an ultra-light laptop, which will feature an 11th Gen Intel i7 processor.
This will be the first time that the Intel 11th Gen laptops were released in Singapore by Huawei. The MateBook X Pro 2021 arrives with a similar premium build as its predecessor. This device was designed primarily for working professionals and content creators. This is seen by its high-end premium design, which is thin and light. The device offers robust mobile productivity for working professionals and content creators. The notebook weighs just 1.33 kilogram, supports Wi-Fi 6 standard, and measures just 14.6mm.
Huawei MateBook X Pro to launch on April 24th features 11th Gen Intel i7 Gadget24The device has a 3K touchscreen panel on the front, surrounded by a negligible bezel and frame for its display. The laptop also supports a 65W USB-C pocket charger that enables fast charging for its 56Whr battery. It offers 16GB of RAM alongside 1TB of SSD storage to contain all your files. Under the hood, the MateBook X Pro is powered by the latest 11th Gen Intel Core i7 processors and an innovative cooling system.
The great thing about all of these is that customers will receive 663 US Dollars’ worth of free gifts. They will also receive a Backpack, a watch GT 2 Elite Edition, a Bluetooth mouse, and a free one-year extended warranty.
The computer will be available for purchase from April 24th at Huawei Experience Stores, a few authorized sellers, and major e-commerce platforms. The MateBook X Pro will debut in an Emerald Green color variant and the Space Grey variant.