Xiaomi has just launched the Redmi Watch 3 globally. This smartwatch was earlier introduced in China in December last year and is now available for customers across the globe. The Redmi Watch 3 boasts a 1.75″ AMOLED display with 200 built-in watch faces and has a high-gloss metal finish using NCVM technology that gives it a premium look.
The smartwatch comes packed with features such as built-in GPS and supports five major satellite positioning systems, which makes it easy to track your location and monitor your outdoor activities such as running, cycling, or hiking.
It also has 121 sports modes, including six automatically recognized sports modes, which makes it a perfect companion for fitness enthusiasts.
The Redmi Watch 3 is equipped with a heart rate sensor that comes with a blood oxygen sensor, an accelerometer, a gyroscope, and a geomagnetic sensor, which makes it an ideal fitness partner. It also has a 5ATM waterproof rating, which means it can withstand water pressure up to 50 meters, making it ideal for swimming or water-based activities.
Another unique feature of the Redmi Watch 3 is its speaker and noise-cancelling microphone, which enables clear Bluetooth phone calls. This feature is especially useful for those who are always on the move and need to take calls while doing their daily activities.
The Redmi Watch 3 promises a battery life of up to 12 days with typical use, thanks to it 289mAh battery. It is available in Black and Ivory colors and is priced at €119 ($128) / £99.99 ($122) and is already on sale via the company’s official UK store.
Source: Mi UK